1 minute read

Some elegant expressions I came across through reading.


The creators of Froot Loops pizza are basking in the attention.

bask in

  1. to enjoy the good feelings that you have when other people praise or admire you, or when they give you a lot of attention


The Cancer Genome Atlas is by far the largest endeavor in the USA to collect and analyze the tumor specimens from over 10,000 cancer patients.


  1. verb (used without object)
    to exert oneself to do or effect something; make an effort; strive; to attempt; try: (We must constantly endeavor if we are to succeed.) (He endeavors to keep things neat in his apartment.)

  2. noun a strenuous effort; attempt.


A gamut of software tools has been developed

gamut n.

  1. the whole series of recognized musical notes
  2. an entire range or series
    (run the gamut from praise to contempt)


which can be manifested by various genomic assays mentioned above


  1. adj. clear or obvious to the eye or mind.
  2. v. display or show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrate.


From textile looms to locally produced aircraft and motor vehicles, this museum is both a fascinating journey through the city’s glory days, and a peek into the future.

From…to…, (sth) is both …. and a peek into …

For years, there has been a sense that Hollywood is on the precipice of a change that never arrives.

precipice n. cliff


The president is riding the wave of recent economic growth.

ride a wave: to experience a time when many people share a strong feeling or attitude about something at the same time


In other words, whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize, those differences are swamped by how well each person “encodes” the information.

If there are organics hidden under the Martian surface… Phoenix will be able to sniff them out with a soil-analyzing instrument called TEGA.


  1. n. a forested wetland; a situation fraught with difficulties and imponderables.
  2. v. dench, submerge, flood.

other phrases

There’s no getting around…

  1. something cannot be refused or denied, that it is definitely true. (There’s no getting around the fact that we need to cut costs.)